Did You Miss Me?
Did you miss me? Well, here I am. It's been a while indeed. Since my last post I've manage to: learn how to use 3 component epoxy to seal the leaking screws. To be honest while fixing some leaks I seem to introduce others. More to learn so stay tuned for more war stories and picture. go out sailing! Everyone survived and now I have some lovely pictures of Flat While and a 3mins horror movie showing me docking. Shall I create a Youtube channel? get us on the Sydney to Gold Coast race list. I think I'm going to get drunk when I submit the last document required - the CYCA document list is just endless... attend the "Advanced Race Navigation" course. Yes, the one Will Oxley runs. Want to know about the Impostor Syndrome? Ask me how. call a marine electrician to fix the broken stern light. A charming guy came just to find out I'm an idiot and "it is not the switch you are looking for"(c). get my AIS VHF antenna broken. Well, it wasn't me, it was...