
Showing posts from May, 2021

Where is my parachute???

 "there is a nationwide shortage of flares currently and we cannot supply the red parachute flares at all" said the supplier. When the red parachute flares is the last missing item on my Cat1 checklist (well, I'm using 2017-2021 one as the new one has not been published). That's going to be interesting. #cat1

Anxiety, my friend

When I bough Flat White I was ready to spend money (for "boat" stands for "Bring Over Another Thousand"). I was ready to explore the unknown: numerous stainless steel types, hundreds of various epoxy resins, millions of lubricants. I was even ready to face the horror of leaving the marina and coming back in.   What I did not expect is waking up in my bed, hearing the wind (40, gusting 55 ) and getting very anxious: "how is she doing down there? Did I set up all springs correctly? I should have doubled the lines at least". #anxiety #Messing_about_in_boats

What could possibly go wrong?

In the last 24 hours: I got stung by a bee while working on a boat.  Well, one could argue that I shouldn't be working barefoot and if I do, I shouldn't be stepping on a bee. While my foot is now developing a drastic change in shape and colour, the situation is much worse for the poor dead bee. Learnt a very important lesson: if your spinnaker pole has fiberglass patches, don't go up the mast in shirts and t-shirt. If you do, don't hug the pole on your way up and down. If you do hug the pole - enjoy the aftertaste...